Monday, September 24, 2012

Mitt Romney... The stupid reveals itself!

Mitt Romney's wife Ann had a small mishap the other day when her plane had to make an emergency landing. 

I feel for the guy about his wife being in danger, but then he opened up his mouth and let the stupid roll out!

“I appreciate the fact that she is on the ground, safe and sound. And I don’t think she knows just how worried some of us were.  When you have a fire in an aircraft, there’s no place to go, exactly, there’s no — and you can’t find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem. So it’s very dangerous....” 
Yes, Mitt. The windows in the plane don't open and for a fucking good reason. If you opened them while flying, you would kill everyone on the plane.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Dr. Andrew Snelling from Answers in Genesis... Fraud?

Dr. Andrew Snelling from Answers in Genesis wrote today trying to answer the common rejection of his vacuous young earth - anti-evoltion claim "How could most scientists be wrong?" 

"When it comes to explaining how the rocks and fossils formed, however, those are events that occurred in the past. They can’t be repeated and observed. Thus, explanations about how rocks and fossils formed in the past are interpretations, not facts."
This is an absurd objection but it opens an interesting door. His assumptions can be tested if they only took a year!  So I challenge him to reproduce rock in less than a year using sediment.

"Sure, we can observe and study today how sediments are deposited in layers. But to say that sediments have always accumulated in the past at the rates we observe today is an assumption."

And his claims are also an assumption. But there is no reason for real geologists to assume that the rates of formation changed at all!

Ya, know what? Fuck it. His claims just are not worth responding to. They are vapid nonsense and I have wasted too many electrons on them already.