Monday, October 18, 2010

Ray Comfort really can't learn....

Today Dumbdumb said this:
Monday, October 18, 2010
Some time ago I quoted Steven Hawking saying that gravity was a law. I guess you didn't see it. You may deny that gravity is a law that can be broken. But if you violate its precepts and jump from 10,000 feet without a parachute you will think you are right, until you hit the ground. It's the same with the Law of God. I'm sure you will stubbornly hold onto your belief that you haven't violated it until the moment you die, but then it will be too late. Posted by Ray Comfort on 10/18/2010 06:34:00 AM 

Wow. Yeah, this is stupidity at it's finest. But I recalled we hashed this over once before. 

On 2/24/10, just 8 short months ago, Dumbdumb said this:

If you hit the ground at 120 mph from 1,000 feet, you will suffer the consequences of violating what calls the law of gravity. If you will remember the context in which I called gravity a law--I said that if you break the law of gravity, you will suffer the consequences, and if you violate God’s Law you will suffer the consequences--"The soul that sins, it shall die." 
 He was ROASTED over this. Falling violates the law of gravity?? WTF? 


Anonymous said...


Did you read what he wrote?

All you did was call Ray Comfort dumb. You didn't prove him wrong or say anything intelligent. I read what Ray wrote twice and understood exactly what he was saying.

He is using the Law of Gravity as an example or a comparison.

If you stand on a building and jump without parachute, you die. Right?

If you break God's laws(or jump), don't pull the parachute rope(accept Jesus as Lord and Savior), then you will die(go to hell).

I suppose I might be like Ray and "Can't Learn" either?

Hey, but don't take this as an agressive 'in your face' post, I appreciated your 8 questions and found them valuable to read over.

Thanks for your insight!

God Bless:)

Unknown said...

The issue isn't death after falling. 

The issue is that Ray thinks that falling violates the law of gravity. He couldn't be further from the truth.  Falling would be obeying gravity.  Using his method of thought, driving 55 in a 55 zone would be violating the speed law. 

Incidentally, falling is not what causes death. What kills you is the sudden change in velocity hen you stop falling. It's the massive and instantaneous change in g-forces. 

Anonymous said...

Oh! I see what you are saying :)

Maybe, he was trying to communicate to not-so-quick ones like me?

"What kills you is the sudden change in velocity hen you stop falling. It's the massive and instantaneous change in g-forces."

I suppose I am concerned about this part mostly though. That change in g-forces...stuff.


I appreciate your blog! Sometimes I like reading atheist blogs- keeps me on my toes.

God Bless :)

Unknown said...


Ray and his staff love to play fast and loose with facts and truth. I have read several of his books. The last one I suffered reading was filled with so many factual errors, it hurt my brain. I made more than 300 highlights of factual errors or brain farts.

Be careful when reading his tripe. He has no ethical issues with lying about or to his critics. Watch at the 3:00 mark, Ray starts to explain what evolution is. In reality he is 100% wrong with his description. Not a single thing was true.

So, what is bothering you abut the change in g-forces thing? Perhaps I can explain it better.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I meant I am more concerned about life after death rather than whether Ray Comfort is right or wrong.

I watched the video... The deal with evolution? Okay then...

I know evolution is a giant thing that goes beyond my grasping and I probably need a PhD to understand it and I've heard hundereds of defintions (from both atheists and Christians)...

Wikipedia says:
"Evolution (also known as biological, genetic or organic evolution) is the change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms through successive generations."

Non-technical Wiki says:
"Evolution is the process of change in all forms of life over generations, and evolutionary biology is the study of how evolution occurs."

P.S. I am not a big fan of this either, because evolution is still a theory in my brain and has it's own set of problems...

What's your take?

God Bless :)

Unknown said...

Those would be correct definitions. It doesn't take a Ph.D to understand it. In fact, a semester taking a biology class at a good JC will give you a basic understanding of it. It doesn't have many problems at all when it comes down to it being a fact of life. It is a theory, but the the theory only explains the fact of evolution and how it happens. No law was ever a theory, and no theory will ever become a law.

One could say evolution is a law in that it does happen and will continue to happen, but the theory of evolution can only try to explain how evolution happens.

Denying that evolution is reality is akin to denying that the earth is a sphere or claiming the earth is hollow. Ray would likely claim the earth is flat or on pillars (as the bible says), if he didn't know he would be laughed off the planet. He can lie about evolution only because it is a deeper subject, so he does.

Aronra on YouTube does a great job explaining why evolution is a reality and why comfort is lying when he comments on evolution.

Unknown said...

Btw, before get concerned about life after death, you should make sure you don't waste this life in case it is the only life.

As there was no before life, why think there is an after life?