Sunday, September 25, 2011

Steve Sanchez's blog and why I will no longer post there

As some of you may know, Comfort's stupid "180" propaganda piece was released today. Steve Sanchez at Stone the Preacher started pimping the movie and instantly started censoring the critical comments. He will not allow ANY posts that refute or debunk the movie. 

My reply to the post was the following: 
"Steve, I watched this movie a few weeks ago. I am simply not convinced. The whole argument is based on the flawed premise that a clump of cells is a human being. By that rational, a finger when chopped off, is a human being. Cells does not a human make. Humans have a personality and consciousness. A fetus hasn't had and of those things. What does bother me the most in this video is how badly the education system has failed these people. Lack of historical knowledge and very very poor critical thinking skills." 

This is what edited my post to read: 

"[FULL DISCLOSURE: This atheist's comment has been edited for content and taken I have taken it out of its original context. I left in the parts of the comment that demonstrate compassion.]
I watched this movie a few weeks ago.
What does bother me the most in this video is how badly the education system has failed these people. Lack of historical knowledge and very very poor critical thinking skills." 

Another user posted this:

"This will be my last comment on the blog until Steve posts my comment in its original, unedited form or deletes the hack job he did.
Unlike Ray and the others, I thought you might have been a better person, Steve. But I now see the frightened person you really are. Makes me sad, Steve." 

This is the edited version by Steve: 

"[FULL DISCLOSURE: This atheist's comment has been edited for content and I have taken it out of its original context. I left in the parts of the comment that demonstrate compassion.]
This will be my last comment on the blog…. "

Another user posted:

"I feel sorry for all the mothers who were forced to make that decision. I do not understand why you would want to take that decision away, when by the same logic your deity kills far more than abortion through miscarriages." 

Steve edited the post to this: 

"[FULL DISCLOSURE: This atheist's comment has been edited for content and I have taken it out of its original context. I left in the parts of the comment that demonstrate compassion.]I feel sorry for all the mothers…." 

 Clearly these posts have been edited to not allow discussion and some even changed to appear to support the movie. 

Steve, if you are reading this, what you did was wrong. Very wrong. It is dishonest to alter the words of another person like that and then make it seem that their original words were mean spirited. 

I don't care if you think ending abortion by any means necessary is the right thing to do. It's not. The ends NEVER justify the means. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Brain failure and the Christian....

Ray Dumfort wrote the other day about how the human heart supposedly proves god because we can't yet duplicate it.

But once again Dumfort is a plagiarist and a LIAR. His entire post is stolen from a MUSLIM site.

So, Ray is now a muslim???

Ray, you are a fucking idiot. You can't prove your god with your own religion so you steal from someone else's?  Why doesn't that shock me?