Sunday, March 25, 2012

Church members may face charges in fake kidnapping of teen members?

Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church in Lower Swatara Township, Pa may be facing charges of kidnapping as well as other charges.
In an attempt to teach teen members of what other countries do to Christians, church leaders burst into homes at gun point (unloaded and carried by an off duty police officer), blindfolded and forced teens into a van, and then taken to the pastors home where they were told everything was fake.
The area's abc 27 news station reported:
Lower Swatara Township police began their own investigation when the mother of a 14-year-old girl complained that her daughter, a guest of a youth group member, had her legs bruised during the event.
The teen told abc27 News she thought she was going to die when the men burst into the room, put pillow cases over some of the people's heads and led them into a van.
"They pulled my chair out from underneath me and then they told me to get on the ground," she said. "I was the first person to go into the van. I had my hands behind my back they said 'just do as I say and you won't be hurt'."
The teens were taken to the pastor's house, where it appeared he was being assaulted. Eventually, she said the adults in charge revealed it was a staged event.

This is unreal and a recipe for disaster. If this had happened in my house or at a neighbor's / friend's with no knowledge of what was actually happening, it easily could have become a tragedy. I would have defended these kids with lethal force if need be. I know many others who would do the same.
Shockingly, it seems parents were also not informed of the fake raids either. The church said it would continue such actions in the future, but would inform parents from now on.. WTF?

One comment on the abc site said:
"After reading most of these comments I can clearly see why this church is teaching about persecution of Christians. Sounds to me like one spoiled mommy and her spoiled brat need a wake up call. Its not all about their dainty little feelings. Its about reality. When this happens to them in real life who will they call on to help them? "oh GOD please help me" will be the first words out of their mouth."

All one has to do is peruse through the postings at some fundamentalist's message boards like Rapture Ready to see the paranoid mindset of many fundamentalists, but this sort of behavior is way out of line.

If what we have been told is accurate, I hope this church's leaders get nice long prison terms and the church has the shit sued out of it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Santa Clara,United States

Sunday, March 18, 2012

You need to see this movie

Saving Face is a horrifying documentary about what is happening to Pakistani women. "Dishonor" your family, refuse some asshole's sexual advances, refuse a proposal? Get acid splashed in your face.

Shockingly there was no law to protect these women from this heinous act... There is now. But still watch this doc if you can.

Monday, March 12, 2012

A christian tries to scare me with his idea of hell.

A christian at Stone The Preacher says:

It saddens me that you continue, day after day, week after week to blog your atheist approach and yet the truth of the Gospel message just doesn’t break through “ANYMORE!” I say anymore because you clamed you once were a Christian! Have you ever considered what the Bible says about your defection /apostasy? Please read these words from the book of Hebrews: ” For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. (Hebrews 10:26-27)
Have you ever given any real thought to what Hell is like? Would you allow me to help you get a vivid picture of a place I hope you never see?
Hell is the prison–in which the prisoners of God’s justice are confined.
Hell is where punishment is inflicted on all who die at enmity with God.
Hell is the place where Satan acts the part of the chief tormentor.
Hell is the place where conscience, armed with terrible power, torments the guilty soul.
Hell is the place where reflection, aided by a strong and tenacious memory, afflicts without mercy or cessation.
Hell is the place where God frowns justly and eternally on the naked soul.
Hell is the place where everything calculated to . . .satiate with terror, fill with agony, and
torture with pain, exist.
While everything calculated to inspire hope, give pleasure, or impart relief–is excluded forever.
After reading the above you might ask yourself, who will be there?
Satan and his demons–all those foul, wicked, and degraded spirits–who are filled with envy, malice, and enmity against God and man.
All unrepentant sinners–of all classes, creeds, places, and periods.
All who have . . .stained the world with their crimes, afflicted others with their cruelties, and degraded themselves by their vices.
All the lowest, vilest, and basest of the human race!
God is there too, in his glorious majesty, almighty power, impartial justice, and awesome holiness! O how it will aggravate the sufferings of the lost–to have God’s eye always fixed upon them, and the justice, holiness, and majesty of God ever shining before them! (Psalm 139:8)
(This is a point we often overlook; I have heard many people say that Hell will be Hell because God is not there, but I contend that Hell is Hell because God is there, and those in Hell will face His holiness and justice and wrath against sin, in their fullness, without the shield of Jesus Christ, for all eternity – that is what makes Hell Hell)
What is in Hell?
Justice with its flaming sword–is there.
Memory stored with the whole history of one’s life–is there.
The worm that gnaws the vitals of the soul, but never dies–is there.
The fire that cannot be quenched, which tortures but never destroys our nature–is there.
But there is no Bible there.
There is no gospel with its joyful sound.
There is no gentle, loving Savior.
There is no loving friend or dear relation.
There is nothing to lessen or alleviate suffering!
Hell concentrates in itself, all the elements of misery, degradation, wretchedness and woe!
... as [Steve Sanchez, the stoned preacher] wrote in another post, “I let you post here so that the wise Christian can pray for you.” That was a kind and loving statement, just one to hopefully get you to sit up and take notice!
Please, please repent; how much more vivid can I be?

Hell is a scary story invented by religious leaders to control the masses and to get them to do as told.
The bible says a lot of things. Virtually none of it is true or real. It claims the world is 6000 years old created in 6 24 hour periods. This is so blatently wrong it's absurd. There is no divine wisdom in the bible. There is nothing more insightful than what we would expect from bronze age writers who were terrified by what they couldn't understand when they looked at the world. From the world they thought was flat (chüg) to lumping bats and birds together when they have almost nothing in common. There is NO divine wisdom in the entire book. None.
You even contradict yourself with your hellish descriptions:
"Memory stored with the whole history of one’s life–is there."
"There is no bible there."
You claim my memory and my whole life story will be there. The bible is part of my life's history. Now you claim that there will be no bible there and by extension part of my history will be gone. Which is it? Will there be no bible there or will I have all my life history?
You are a fear monger. Nothing more. You read a book that scared you and now you are running around like Chicken Little... but you don't even have an acorn to show us. When asked for the slightest most miniscule amount of evidence for your claims, you can't even produce a whisp. Worse than that, ALL the evidence is against your bible and your God. Not just some of it or most of it, but ALL of it.
Being a fear monger is a pretty pathetic thing to be. There is literally no difference between you and Howard Camping, Pat Robertson, Noah Hutchings, and others with thier doom and gloom. If only you could read your own words from my POV. I am literally doing the *facepalm* when I read this post of yours. It's silly.
The bottom line is this: You can be a vivid as you like with your descriptions. How about coming up with, I don't know... some evidence?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Kirk Cameron the homophobe and bigot

Here is what Kirk said the other night...

What more can you say. He is a bigot and a homophobe.

And he will likely never work in Hollywood ever again.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Morons.... They are everywhere.

A moron replies on YouTube:

@jwissick the Ot laws are ignored simply becausw we are not living in ancient Israel stupid. but the standard has not changed. you idolatrous perverts mock a prophet of God and God will kick your ass still. in case you havent noticed theyre dropping like flies, this week alone the coast guard helicoptor crash, the 10 or so ppl killed by the tornadoes. the shooter in the ohio school. Yours is coming ''pervert''

Sounds like a follower of the Westboro Baptist Church goons.