Monday, May 23, 2011

Comfort the hypocrite.....

Ray offers this bit on Sunday.....

Atheists Cashing in on the Rapture
Regarding the stupidity of predicting the rapture, Richard Dawkins said, 

"An aspect of religion that intrigues me is its capacity to con money out of a seemingly endless supply of gullible idiots. Is there anything so stupid that, if you put it out there, you can't find thousands of people (and their money) to believe it." 

And those who believe what the professor says can buy his books, DVD's, trinkets, T-shirts, etc., from his website. There is an endless supply who do.

Ray Comfort, who's "ministry" pays him a very comfortable 6 figure salary each year.
Here is a sample of the shit Ray sells:
101 Last Days Prophecies BookletBillete de Un Millón de DólaresSmart cardsTicket To HeavenWallet

Now, who is out to make money?

Ray, is a first class fucking hypocrite.