Friday, November 2, 2012

Noah brought puppet "kind" on the ark???

A recent "research journal" entry at Answers in Genesis that attempts to quantify the number of "mammalian kinds" that Noah took on his fictional ark, Dr. Jean K. Lightner, an independent scholar for AIG, classifies a puppet made by Secret Gully as a Greater gliding possum. "Fig. 18. Greater gliding possum. Source: Secret Gully"

It is unknown why Noah would have taken it on the ark or if this is the only puppet species he took on board with his family. Did he also bring marionettes and sock puppets as well? Was LambChop also on the ark? Is this one puppet's offspring responsible for all the puppets species in the world today? What is god's position on the sacrifice of puppets to atone for sins? Where do you sprinkle the stuffing? Do you remove the puppeteer's hand before or after the sacrifice?