Poor crybaby Todd Friel of Wretched.tv is clearly upset that his mythology isn't allowed to be taught in public schools. Here he is very whiney that his false take on reality is called out for what it is! A MYTH!
This dean of Florida International University is correct in that a college grad should not be allowed to graduate with demonstrably false beliefs! Just as an astronomy student shouldn't be allowed to graduate with a belief that angels push the planets around in their orbits. Or a medical student shouldn't be allowed to graduate with a belief that gremlins cause disease instead of germs! Or a chemist shouldn't be allowed to graduate thinking that alchemy is a correct model!
Todd, you don't get to say if your model is scientifically valid. And your precious beliefs are not exempt from ridicule when they are ridiculous and refusing to teach them in schools isn't academic suppression, it's education!