Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ray Comfort thinks slavery is nifty

In todays offering of half-baked 'wisdom', Ray Comfort redefines Roman slavery to be gentle, kind, and loving. This is true in some cases, but certainly not the vast majority.

Romans considered slavery as a type of death and slaves were never considered as human. A roman slave was not allowed to have a family. His children were the property of his dominus. It was common for a slave's head to be forcibly shaved so their hair could be made into wigs for the upper class. They had no honor nor pride. They were not protected under law and had no right to sled defense. They were not entitled to trial if charged with a crime.

Rome always have a fresh supply of slaves from nations it conquered. The vanquished were frequently condemned to slavery. A popular form of birth control in Rome was for new parents to abandon their child on the street who would be taken in as a slave by another family. Pirates would attack ships and take passengers as slaves and sell them in Rome.

The life of most Roman slaves was a nightmare. Slaves were often whipped, branded and cruelly mistreated. Their owners would also kill them for any reason, and wouldn't face any charges. Misbehaving slaves could face crucifixion.

Slaves were minimally clothed if the situation allowed. House slaves had more clothing, farm slaves just a cloth and maybe wooden shoes.

Comfort nonsensical claims the movie Ben Hur, a completely fictional work of the late 1950's, is an accurate portrayal of how well Roman slaves were treated: with great love and respect. He simply couldn't be further from reality. If he was to have the courage to watch Star's Spartacus, he would have a much better idea of how loathsome the life of a slave was.

These fatuous claims of Comfort's just further undermines any pretext of credibility when he speaks to morality.  Ray Comfort is a despicable excuse for a human being.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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