RIP Christopher Hitchens - greatest literary provocateur of my lifetime. Huge talent, huge loss
And to you christians, like Ray and Steve and Tony...
Be respectful and not the ghouls you usually are.
Religious fundamentalism is a major source of todays problems. From creationism to Islam, they promote stupidity, ignorance , and violence. They are a scourge on our species and religions should be forgotten.
What in the world is going on here??
Richard made an unsupported claim that was clearly BOGUS. When called out on it he ducked and dodged and spun to ignore the fact that he made a bogus claim. He even threw out a red herring that the NYT is not to be trusted because it made a mistake SIX decades ago!! Likely everyone who was a part of that screw up is dead by now!
I am going to say it. Richard, a person you call “Righteous” and whom you have allowed to moderate comments here, LIED. Because you preach with him and have allowed him to moderate here, his lie reflects on you, Steve. And now you are censoring the fact we have caught him in a lie??? You are now a willing part of his deception!
Is this the sort of face you want to present with your ministry? I have lost ALL respect for you, Steve. You are a dishonest coward.
I am sure you will not have the courage to allow this post, but it has been posted and preserved at Smrt.
"Steve, I watched this movie a few weeks ago. I am simply not convinced. The whole argument is based on the flawed premise that a clump of cells is a human being. By that rational, a finger when chopped off, is a human being. Cells does not a human make. Humans have a personality and consciousness. A fetus hasn't had and of those things. What does bother me the most in this video is how badly the education system has failed these people. Lack of historical knowledge and very very poor critical thinking skills."
"[FULL DISCLOSURE: This atheist's comment has been edited for content and taken I have taken it out of its original context. I left in the parts of the comment that demonstrate compassion.]
I watched this movie a few weeks ago.
What does bother me the most in this video is how badly the education system has failed these people. Lack of historical knowledge and very very poor critical thinking skills."
"This will be my last comment on the blog until Steve posts my comment in its original, unedited form or deletes the hack job he did.
Unlike Ray and the others, I thought you might have been a better person, Steve. But I now see the frightened person you really are. Makes me sad, Steve."
"[FULL DISCLOSURE: This atheist's comment has been edited for content and I have taken it out of its original context. I left in the parts of the comment that demonstrate compassion.]
This will be my last comment on the blog…. "
"I feel sorry for all the mothers who were forced to make that decision. I do not understand why you would want to take that decision away, when by the same logic your deity kills far more than abortion through miscarriages."
"[FULL DISCLOSURE: This atheist's comment has been edited for content and I have taken it out of its original context. I left in the parts of the comment that demonstrate compassion.]I feel sorry for all the mothers…."
"Alex Vega can't explain why he's doing it, but he's building a wall around his house.
"Whenever I hear a noise, I get scared and look all around me. My heart beats faster. I can't go into small spaces. I'm taking five or six pills a day now. If I don't take them, I wouldn't even be able to sit with you," Vega said"
"I'm an underground mining mechanic. That's what I do and I won't be able to do it anymore," Vega replied.
Asked what he wants to do, Vega said, "I've tried to work fixing a car. But I lose my concentration very quickly. I forget things. Right now, I don't know what's gonna happen with my future."
And Victor Zamora? He walked with us to the mine. It was his first time back since the accident. He told us he feels he still hasn't been rescued.
"Before I went in here, I was a happy guy. But now, I'm having nightmares, I'm having problems. I'm not the same person," Zamora told Simon.
Asked what kind of nightmares he is having, Zamora said, "Being trapped, watching my friends around me die. Rocks falling. The other me is still in there."
"Do you miss him?" Simon asked.
Zamora nods. "I can't have a normal relationship with my family...I'm not as affectionate with my child as I was before. It's very difficult," he replied.
"What's it like just looking at this place now?" Simon asked.
"Sadness, lots of sadness. I'd prefer to be dead," he replied.
Contrary to popular belief, it is possible for light to move instantaneously even today. So, the amount of time it takes for light to travel from the most distant stars to earth is actually zero—not only during Day Four of Creation but today as well. ~Jason Lisles
Atheists Cashing in on the Rapture
Regarding the stupidity of predicting the rapture, Richard Dawkins said,
"An aspect of religion that intrigues me is its capacity to con money out of a seemingly endless supply of gullible idiots. Is there anything so stupid that, if you put it out there, you can't find thousands of people (and their money) to believe it."
And those who believe what the professor says can buy his books, DVD's, trinkets, T-shirts, etc., from his website. There is an endless supply who do.
The “Taxi-Cab Fallacy” is committed when one hops in and assumes a certain system of thought or worldview in an attempt to make a particular point but then jumps out of the system of thought when it suits their fancy. Such practice lacks logical consistency and is therefore a logical fallacy.
A detractor of the Christian worldview cannot hop into the Christian system of thought by erecting an objection grounded in the Bible and then demand an answer be given without the use of a Bible. Again, they cannot appeal to the Bible in raising their question and then insist we throw our Bible out of the equation when we give an answer!
"Jack are you saying that you have a independent way other then science to verify the works of science. It seems to me that science is used to verify its claims but you do not call that circular."
Members of the small congregation at Houston Unity Baptist Church said when they refused to give the pastor their tax refunds; he refused to give them their Communion.Some members of the church spoke with FOX 26 anonymously."He said for all those who are getting a tax refund, ‘How many are you are going to give it to the church’?" James said.Pastor John Goodman said while he refused Communion, it wasn't because his members didn't donate their tax refunds to the church. It’s because they've failed to step up and do what's needed to keep the church afloat."I asked if there were any other members, which I know it is, that got income tax money. I ask if they would like to contribute it over here to the new parking lot."When asked if he withheld Communion, Pastor Goodman said absolutely but it wasn’t because of the tax refund issue. He said it was because of internal issues in the church he refused to disclose.Goodman said only 4 or 5 members in the church actually help with bills, but he called the rest of his congregation devils and demons.Pastor Goodman said he was attempting to get donations to build a new parking lot at the church.
“@RayComfort: My friend @Dikayo created a Japanese YouTube Gospel presentation from the GM28. Please spread it around. Thx.”
New article: News to Note, March 5, 2011: Bible-believing Christians need not apply...
Items needed for possible employment:
- Resume
- Salvation testimony
- Creation belief statement
- Confirmation of your agreement with the AiG Statement of Faith
"A family were visiting their brother & sister in law for Thanksgiving and wanted to come to the Museum; they tried to convince their extended family to come with them, but they declined. So they came, the Friday after Thanksgiving and went through the entire museum, ending with the Last Adam show. At the end of the show her 6 year old son . . . grabbed one of the cards (credit card type, the one you can sign the back of if you make a commitment to Christ) and took it home. Later that night, as he was drying off from his bath, he turned and looked at his mom and asked, “Mommy, am I a Christian?” So they talked and prayed because he really wanted to know Jesus. He was so happy after that while he was brushing his teeth, he kept stopping to sing,” I’m a Christian, I’m a Christian!” They went and told his dad then pulled out that little card and he proudly signed his name and dated the card. It is now stored in his memory drawer."
"There are two main hard and fast rules for anyone who would like to become an "atheist." If you are tempted, beware. It's not an easy thing to do.
The first rule is to ignore design in nature. You will see it everywhere; from the planets, to the atoms, to the birds and the bees, to the seasons, to the design of the human body, the design of fish, flowers, fruits, feet, and even fungus. And of course, the amazing-looking human eye. Everywhere you look and everywhere you can't look, you will see design.
Now here's the hard part. Ignore your God-given common sense. Admit that everything man made is man-made, but be uncompromisingly adamant that everything in nature came from nothing, with no Designer. Once you have set aside your acumen to do this, crown yourself as being intelligent. Very. Then find other atheists and they will confirm to you that you are indeed, intelligent.
The second rule is to "believe." This is very important, because if you let doubt in, it will let in fear, and that can be a scary thing when the issue at stake is a place called "Hell."
Believe that you are right in your beliefs. Believe that evolution is indeed true. Believe that it's scientific. Believe that there are no missing links, and believe that Richard Dawkins knows what he is talking about.
Believe that you are an ape, that you are not morally responsible because apes have no moral absolutes. Believe that your conscience was given to you by your parents and society, and not by God (always use a small "g" for God, if possible).
To grow as an atheist, you will need to learn believers' language--phrases like "There is no creation," "Evolution is a proven fact," and the powerful "Flying Spaghetti Monster." Learn the fine art of cutting and pasting, and responding with "Straw man!" That means you won't have to respond to anything challenging.
All this will give perceived intelligence. Never question evolution, and don't think for yourself.
Do these things, and you will be able to call yourself an atheist, or even a "new" atheist. How cool is that! Well, I should say, as much of one as you can be called one. No one can be a true atheist because you need "absolute knowledge" to say that there is no God. So until you are omniscient (like God), you will just have to do with pretending to be one. "
"We, the undersigned scientists at universities and colleges in Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana, are concerned about scientifically inaccurate materials at the Answers in Genesis museum. Students who accept this material as scientifically valid are unlikely to succeed in science courses at the college level. These students will need remedial instruction in the nature of science, as well as in the specific areas of science misrepresented by Answers in Genesis."Fortunately, there is a petition to ask Google to remove these sites from Google Scholar. I encourage you to sign this petition if you agree that these sites should be removed. Go here to sign the petition:
The floods in Australia and the devastation they caused are ultimately our fault—all of us—every human being. It is not God’s fault.… But instead we should be angry at sin—our sin.